What is the rating of movie IT? Here we collected some of the original reviews from the different audiences and other reputed sites for the movie IT. Read the below article for the true and unbiased review of movie IT.
IT Review
- Rotten Tomatoes: 85 %
- Times of India: 4/5
- IMDb: 5/10
IT Audience Review
IT Audience Review: Definitely one of the best horror movies of all time but not that much. Not only is there horror, but there’s action, humor and drama. It definitely made me feel a mix of emotions throughout the entire movie, which is why it makes it so unique. I feel fear at one moment then happiness at the next then sadness, it’s truly amazing.
Every character is so thoughtfully put together, along with practically the perfect cast. It really does feel like I’m experiencing the moments myself, as if I’m right there. The Losers Club shows such great development, they overcome challenges together and they really are true friends.
Pennywise is definitely one of the most unique clowns ever. I’ve heard of Killer Clowns but nothing comes as close to this. Pennywise really is the type of thing you’d see in your worst nightmares, and that’s what I like about it. It’s not the common serial killer and jump-scare type of monster, Pennywise is it’s own creature.
It’s nice how they added simple side parts of the story that add so much to their general lives. Beverly’s father, Eddie’s mother, Bill’s brother, Ben’s feelings, Richie’s sexuality, etc. It is the type of movie you want to dig further into. Every single bit is extremely important to the entire story. Stephen King is definitely one of the most talented writers out there.

In Conclusion
“It” (2017) is a massive improvement and avoids watering it down like other terrible TV movie adaptations. While not on the same level of greatness like “The Shining”, “Stand By Me” or “The Green Mile” in terms of quality, but compare to “The Dark Tower” that came out last month, this is pretty strong.
It’s not the scariest movie I’ve seen this year, as the biggest problem is the loud jump scars that feels repetitive and destroys any unsettling moments. Not to say there isn’t any, just wish it stayed away from being too mainstream horror.
I like how brutal and violet this got. Especially the beginning which took me off guard of how much it went that far. With no age rating holding it back, kids are acting like kids. Swearing and them physically getting hurt. There was even an attempt rape with one of the kids. As I said, it doesn’t hold back on anything.
Bill Skarsgård absolutely kills it as Pennywise. His appearance is both intriguing and terrifying that it can give a grown man nightmares. The smartest thing Skarsgård did was not copy Curry’s performance and instead do a different take. Everything from the devilish smile, twisted sense of humor, and the demonic Scooby-Doo voice added lays to the character, giving it life. Who knows, he might be this generations Freddy Krueger. Even in the scene when Pennywise started dancing was funny, but with his head not moving with the rest of the body and eyes locked onto you, it’s pretty scary.
All the child actors were pretty great as well. Showing a positive future ahead of them. Finn Wolfhard, Jaeden Lieberher, Sofia Lillis, Jeremy Ray Taylor, and Jack Dylan Grazer are ones to keep your eye on for whatever they do next. The losers club are pretty much The Goonies, but better.
The pacing could’ve been a lot more sharper, as the 2nd act really did drag. There were a few unintentionally hilarious moments that wasn’t meant to be taken that way. Overall rating: You’ll float too.
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