Shawn Boonstra Health And Illness Update In 2022

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Shawn Boonstra is the Voice of Prophecy director. His live seminars, broadcasts, and books have encouraged people all throughout the world, and his live events have taken place on every continent save Antarctica. Voice of Prophecy was one of the first religious programs shown nationally in the United States when it debuted in 1950. Under Shawn’s and Jean Boonstra’s leadership, the ministry has diversified into new media forms. Shawn Boonstra Health And Illness Update In 2022.

Pastor Shawn Boonstra Illness In 2022

In 2010, Pastor Shawn Boonstra had an illness that prevented him from working as a speaker and director for It Is Written International Television in California. The speaker refused to disclose any information about his condition at the time, keeping it to himself.

The pastor’s health is the source of much speculation in the media. Still, there is no proof to support this allegation because the minister or anybody associated with him has yet to make his condition public. Every week, he hosts the Voice of Prophecy’s main broadcast called Authentic.

Shawn Boonstra Career As Director

Pastor Shawn Boonstra is frequently accused of quitting as speaker and director of Voice of Prophecy. Meanwhile, the allegations have an official response to verify the facts behind his resignation. In contrast to the assertions, the pastor had officially withdrawn from his position as “It Is Written” speaker and director due to personal health issues in 2010.


He also published a letter and a video statement addressing some viral emails that he thought were false. “I’m not dying,” he said, “I don’t have cancer, and I don’t have a life-threatening disease.” “However, I am dealing with a serious health issue, and it has come to the point where I need to take a sabbatical to allow my body to rest.”

Although the pastor expressed his appreciation for the communications and emails, he stated that it is not in his nature to be open about his personal health and asked that his privacy be respected at this time. From 1998 to 2001, he worked as an associate speaker on It Is Written Television in Canada, then as a speaker from 2001 to 2004 before moving. Shawn and Pastor Henry Feyerabend organized a unique “NET” satellite series called Revelation Speaks Peace in downtown Halifax in 2001. This event drew worldwide attention and helped raise awareness of the telecast in Canada.

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Shawn Boonstra Health

Shawn began working for VOP in 2013, after serving as an associate ministerial director at the North American Division. He has a passion for inspiring, training, and equipping pastors and congregations for evangelism while he worked at the North American Division. He now lives in Loveland, Colorado, where he enjoys anything that gets him outside and into the mountains, especially when his wife, Jean, is able to join him.

Pastor Shawn Boonstra appears to be in good health now, as there is no mention of his poor medical condition in 2022. Shawn also heads VOP’s efforts to offer local congregations with resources and training to help them be more successful in their neighborhood outreach. Discover Bible School has already graduated over 1 million students, and it is an important part of these initiatives.

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