Rizvana Darr, the headteacher of the Trojan Horse affair, accused four of her employees of being part of a conspiracy. The four teachers that Darr accused were all placed on paid leave by the school, but have since been reinstated after an investigation found no evidence of wrongdoing. Darr has since resigned from her position as headteacher.
The Trojan Horse affair was a allegations of an Islamist plot to take over schools in Birmingham, England. The scandal began to unravel in 2013 when an anonymous letter detailing the alleged plot was sent to the Department for Education.
The letter claimed that there was a coordinated effort by a group of Muslim educators and parents to infiltrate and take control of several schools in Birmingham. The letter also claimed that this group was imposing a strict Islamic curriculum and culture on the schools, and bullyiing or intimidating staff who did not comply.
The allegations sparked a major investigation by the Birmingham City Council, which found no evidence of an organised plot to take over schools. However, the Council did find that some individual teachers and school governors had been promoting an Islamic agenda in the classroom and in school governance.
The affair caused widespread concern about the role of Islam in education in the United Kingdom, and raised questions about how to ensure that all children receive a balanced education that respects their religious beliefs. The leader of a Birmingham school claims that four of her workers were involved in a plot to transform the institution into one that “obeyed strict Muslim regulations,” according to the purported Trojan Horse conspiracy. Who Is Rizvana Darr: Trojan Horse Affair.
Rizvana Darr: Trojan Horse Affair
There isn’t much on Rizvana Darr on the internet at this time. Her age and income information have not yet been disclosed, leaving us in the dark about her financial status. Mrs. Darr, however, has a fascinating biography that may be of interest to our readers.
According to Mrs. Darr, the teaching assistants wrote their own resignation letters and intended to claim that they were forgeries in order to get the head fired. In her statement as a witness for the employment tribunal, which is part of the evidence, Mrs. Darr said Ms. Owens was employed “as an English face” in the Trojan Horse conspiracy “to give legitimacy and distract attention away from the Muslim community’s involvement.”
Rizvana added, “Concerns about sex education, boys and girls mixing during swimming and athletics, homosexuality, Christian prayers, and so on have all been witnessed at Adderley.”
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Adderley Primary School Headteacher
A leaked communication purportedly written by one conspirator to another purported Operation Trojan Horse, an alleged plot to seize control of educational institutions and depose headmasters. According to the conspiracy, there is a five-step procedure for seizing schools, including “finding important personnel” who will carry out the scheme.
According to the letter, teaching assistants are “ideally suited” because they are “less educated” and “more susceptible.” According to Mrs. Darr, the existence of Operation Trojan Horse implies that the claimants submitted their resignations and that this was part of a larger plan to remove Adderley’s top management team…and eventually turn it into a strict Islamic school.
She feels the plan would have resulted in the school being taken over by the previous Park View Educational Trust (PVET), which ran three of Birmingham’s five schools placed in special measure after allegations in the Trojan Horse letter in April 2017.
She claims that Tahir Alam, the former chairman of the PVET board of governors who was barred from working in schools after Trojan Horse, was an authority governor at Adderley at the time. Mrs. Khanom, Ms. Ahktar, and Ms. Bibi worked there. She alleged that parents are using a template to submit letters of complaint about the school to Members of Parliament and Birmingham City Council.
“Many of the parents who were writing these letters had inadequate reading abilities and English language proficiency, yet they were writing extremely well-written letters and comparable letters of protest to top authorities,” Rizvana continued.
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