Gaige Grosskreutz Bio, Wiki, Now, Rittenhouse, Gun Offense

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Kyle Rittenhouse shot only one individual in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and that was Gaige Grosskreutz. On the week of November 8, 2021, Grosskreutz took the stand in the trial of Rittenhouse, who is accused of felony homicide and serious felonies for his role in the deaths of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum as well as his injury.

On November 10, 2021, Kyle Rittenhouse took the stand himself and wept on the witness chair. Watch Rittenhouse’s emotional testimony here. Following his testimony, Grosskreutz appeared on Good Morning America. He denied aiming his weapon at Kyle Rittenhouse, whom he referred to as an “active shooter.”

During cross-examination in Kyle Rickenbacker’s trial, Grosskreutz acknowledged pointing a firearm at Kyle when he fired back. Rittenhouse’s attorneys are claiming that he shot all three men in self-defense after showing up in Kenosha to assist safeguard businesses following a string of arson attacks prompted by the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

The Kenosha County DA subsequently rejected to charge that officer, but an assistant district attorney from his office is handling the case, which has now completed one week. Gaige Grosskreutz Bio, Wiki, Now, Rittenhouse, Gun Offense.

Story Of Gaige Grosskreutz Explained

The images were vivid and graphic that night in August 2020. When Rottenhouse shot and killed Rosenbaum, he was taking part in the demonstrations/riots in Kenosha. Video and testimony from the trial show that Rosenbaum was chasing Rittenhouse when he was shot and killed.

The video footage showed that, as he was being shot, Rosenbaum was attempting to grab Rittenhouse’s gun from close range and lunge for it. Rosenbaum was unarmed, but his team is trying to convince the jury that he presented a danger because he was attempting to disarm him. The defense tried to show that Rosenbaum could have fallen from being shot, not lunging, but the prosecutor denied it.


The defense described this as a “pulled-trigger” situation, where the defendant responded to an unlawful activation of his squad car’s siren and lights by pulling the trigger within seconds. According on testimony, Rittenhouse ran down the street after shooting Rosenbaum towards police, and he fell.

Huber rushed Rittenhouse and hit him with a skateboard, according to photograph and video evidence; he also touched Rittensed’s gun. He fired twice more at him before Grosskreutz came up to him. Grosskreutz described how he heard gunshots during his testimony on November 8, 2021. He considered Rittenhouse to be an “active shooter.”

However, under Wisconsin law, the legal test for self-defense is what was in Rittenhouse’s mind at the time, not Grosskreutz’s. To prove that he reasonably believed his life or that of another was in danger of great bodily harm, Rittenhouse must persuade jurors that his life or that of others were in imminent danger.

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Gaige Grosskreutz And Rittenhouse

The defense claimed he recalled additional details from the police interview, such as what Rittenhouse was wearing. “The only information you forgot places you right in front of him (with a gun),” said the defence attorney. The defense asked if Grosskreutz had submitted a notice of claim seeking $10 million from the city, to which he responded yes.


He stated that he never mentioned in the paperwork “that you had a firearm.” “That’s correct,” replied Grosskreutz. The defense maintained that it is against the law in Wisconsin to carry a concealed weapon without having obtained proper authorization, but that he was not charged with any offense. That is correct, according on his testimony.

The prosecution showed a photo of Grosskreutz reaching into the back of his waistband, where he had his weapon initially. However, Grosskreutz acknowledged on cross-examination that he was concerned for Kyle Rittenhouse’s safety. “You believe he’s in physical danger because he’s being attacked,” the defense asked of Rittenhouse. “Yes,” Grosskreutz replied.

On September 24, 2020, Grosskreutz stated that he refused to answer police questions at the request of his attorney. He was authorized to search through his phone on this date. He claimed he never gave him permission to look through his phone. Then Rittenhouse bolted down the street in the direction of police.


A guy rushed him and ended up leaping over him, kicking him as soon as he did so. He missed his shot at the yet unidentified man. Anthony Huber, who was then attacked by a skateboard from Rittenhouse, fired next. The prosecution introduced in court a photograph that they claim shows Huber touching Rittenhouse’s gun while the second man shot, John Cottrill.

Gaige Grosskreutz Lawyer Mark Richards

Gaige Grosskreutz, who responded to the scene, arrived. He advanced toward Rittenhouse, raised his hands in the air, and then retreated back toward Rittenhouse while clutching a gun in one hand, according on the defense’s argument and video evidence. Then Rittenhouse shot him.

In court, the defense attorney said Grosskreutz told cops he lost his weapon before they were shot; when Rittenhouse fired, he was shown holding it in video and photographs. “He had a gun in his hands,” stated defense lawyer Mark Richards in court. He claimed that he was attempting to prevent Huber from beating Kyle with a skateboard when he shot him.

Grosskreutz Has a Prior Gun Offense

According to postings on social media, Gaige Grosskreutz is a convicted felon. He was found guilty of a crime and had his conviction expunged. He does, however, have a prior bad conduct at-fault driving misdemeanor in Wisconsin on record. According to records, he got probation in his 2015 case. The state Department of Justice has a far longer arrest and case history for him than what’s available through online court records. It shows a series of dropped charges and an expunged felony conviction from Waukesha County, Wisconsin.

He was charged with second-offense drunk driving in January 2021, but the case was terminated on a prosecutor’s motion. It was discontinued after he claimed that the arrest resulted from an illegal traffic stop. His request to exclude the evidence may be found here.

In 2019, he was convicted of a forfeiture for following cops and loud noises in Ashland, Wisconsin. Police in West Allis, Wisconsin accused him of ” Lurking” in an area where police keep their personal automobiles, filming them. We looked into the status of that citation with the West Allis municipal court. According to the court record, he pleaded no contest on Nov. 3, 2021.

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