Abby One of Matthew Hardy’s Victim: What Happened To Her?

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Abby is one of the victim of Matthew Hardy, a notorious fraud who has been preying on unsuspecting woman for years. She is determined to seek justice and make sure that Hardy is held accountable for his fraudulent actions. With the support of her friends and family, Abby is working tirelessly to bring Hardy to justice and prevent him from victimizing anyone else.

Abby In ‘Can I Tell You a Secret?’

‘Can I Tell You A Secret?’ is a documentary that delves into the terrifying world of cyber-stalking. It follows the story of Matthew Hardy, a notorious cyber-stalker who tormented women in the UK for over a decade through various social media platforms.

Being labeled as ‘Britain’s worst cyber-stalker’, he managed to evade authorities until his arrest in 2022. In the two-part series, most of the focus is on sharing the stories of three women who were relentlessly pursued by Hardy. Abby is one of the three woman other than Zoe and Lia.

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What Happened With Abby?

Abby is a stay-at-home girl. She loved to post about her lives online – “everywhere I went, social media followed me,” she says at the start – and at some point, this brought them to the attention of Hardy. Just a quick text message would signal the start of the harassment.

In a few days, Hardy was flooding her inbox, ringing her multiple times a night and wreaking havoc on her personal live by stealing the identity of family and friends. Abby also recalls nude photos of her being stolen and used to start a fake flirtation with an older male colleague.

When Abby gets a threat from Matthew, she tells a shaken Abby that the threats aren’t serious, but Matthew only gives her a vague nod. Abby decides to talk in her best friend but she is hesitant, not wanting to make the situation worse. As the threats continue, Abby realizes she needs to take action and finally agrees to seek help from the authorities.


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