Top 10 Documentaries About Unusual Subjects

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Documentaries are usually considered useful for educational purposes, but there are some exceptions. People watch documentaries about unusual subjects to get new inspiration and motivation in their daily lives. A documentary film can entertain you or motivate you so much that it changes your life forever.

For example, have you ever watched a documentary about the Loch Ness Monster? What did you feel after watching this film? Did you feel inspired by the people who spent years of their lifes searching for Nessie?

Did you feel motivated enough to go out into nature and start exploring everything around yourself? Well, if that is the case then I think that this article is just perfect for you! Here are 10 documentaries about unusual subjects which will keep both your brain and eyes busy for hours! Top 10 Documentaries About Unusual Subjects.

10. The Secret KGB Abduction Files (1999)

This documentary is about the abduction of US citizens by extraterrestrial beings in 1959. The film talks about UFO sightings, communication with aliens and documents which were smuggled out of Russia.

If you are interested in extraterrestrial lifeforms then this documentary is right for you because it shows genuine footage from an alleged KGB agent who was abducted by a UFO while he was on duty.

This is definitely one of the most interesting documentaries about unusual subjects ever made! It’s great to watch such films that question our traditional understanding of world events and forces us to think outside of the box!

9. Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997)

One of the greatest TV series ever made! The episodes of this show are about real paranormal events that were adapted into a narrative film. This program is a golden nugget for all people who enjoy watching documentaries and listening to stories about various unexplained phenomena.

“Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction” will reveal everything you always wanted to know about aliens, spirits, psychic powers and other unusual things which we cannot explain using science. All in all, this TV series provides us with an adequate amount of scaring as well as fun!

8. Ancient Aliens Debunked (2011)

One example of many misleading documentary films about ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial beings.

The creators of this movie claim that the entire we all know is false and that almost everything we see and hear is a complete lie. Ancient Aliens Debunked claims that the only truth that exists is contained in this film, which means that all other facts are false because they don’t represent “the truth”.

It will be difficult to watch this film if you’re not familiar with pseudoscience, but if you have some basic knowledge about it then it won’t be hard for you to understand what’s going on.

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7. Supernatural – Season 1 (2005)

A TV show about two brothers who are constantly looking for supernatural phenomena! This series shows us how the world looks through the eyes of young men who are constantly hunting ghosts, vampires and other things that go bump in the night! I think that this documentary is one of the best series ever made about unusual subjects.

It’s because it shows us the life of people who spend their lives searching for something that may or may not exist! On top of everything else, these two brothers are very funny and it’s always nice to watch them travel all around the country looking for paranormal events!

6. The Nostradamus Effect (2000)

This documentary claims that Nostradamus predicted our future accurately. According to his predictions, the world will change completely after 2012 and it will be filled with violence, plagues and wars which will lead to apocalyptic events on Earth. This film is based on prophecies written by Nostradamus which have been interpreted incorrectly over time.

The Nostradamus Effect claims that there is a hidden message behind all these prophecies which can be deciphered using our computer technology. I have to say that this film scared me so much that I couldn’t sleep for two nights in a row!

5. Alien Intrusion: Unmasking A Deception (2011)

Just like Ancient Aliens Debunked, Alien Intrusion makes crazy assumptions about world history and tries to convince you that everything we know about extraterrestrial beings is fake.

This film claims that alien abduction doesn’t exist and it’s nothing more than vivid dreams or hallucinations caused by mind-altering substances found in food products like aspartame. It will certainly blow your mind if you’re familiar with pseudoscience and UFO phenomena!

4. Ancient Aliens (2010-2017)

One of the greatest TV shows of all time! It’s about ancient civilizations like Aztecs, Incas, Mayans and Egyptians which were ruled by aliens who made their own contribution to the development of our world!

This series is completely nuts because it claims that extraterrestrial beings helped us build pyramids on Earth or that they built them using special materials that weren’t available back then. By the way, this show also has some episodes about unidentified flying objects which you can see near these pyramids.

If I was abducted by extraterrestrial beings while watching this series then I would understand why people believe in alien abduction, but I’ve never been abducted before!

3. The Nostradamus Effect (2006)

This documentary is one of the best films that ever made about amazing prophecies written by the famous French seer Nostradamus. If you already watched Supernatural – Season 1 , then you probably know what’s going on because this film has very similar rules to the original series.

It means that it tries to convince us that all these prophecies are true and they really tell us how our future will look like after 2012 when aliens arrive on Earth in order to bring peace among humans! Trust me, this TV event will definitely change your life forever!

2. The Secret Origins Of Man (2009)

This movie is a real gem because it deals with the question that we all ask ourselves at least once in our lives: where do we come from? According to this documentaty film, scientists have found the answer and they claim that human beings were genetically engineered by extraterrestrial beings who lived on Earth billions of years ago. The Alien Intrusion claims that humans as we know them now are the result of genetic engineering done by ancient aliens who helped us advance as a species!

1. Ancient Aliens Debunked (2012)

We recommend you watch this documentary if you’re interested in ancient civilizations which were allegedly ruled by aliens or other strange phenomena occurring on Earth several thousand years ago!

This film’s authors go on an exciting journey to prove that extraterrestrial beings didn’t exist on Earth in ancient times. It’s very hard for me to believe that all these ancient civilizations (which worshipped gods which looked like humans) were ruled by intelligent extraterrestrial beings which visited our planet billions of years ago!

We recommend you watch this documentary if you’re interested in ancient civilizations which were allegedly ruled by aliens or other strange phenomena occurring on Earth several thousand years ago!

This film’s authors go on an exciting journey to prove that extraterrestrial beings didn’t exist on Earth in ancient times. It’s very hard for me to believe that all these ancient civilizations (which worshipped gods which looked like humans) were ruled by intelligent extraterrestrial beings which visited our planet billions of years ago!

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