The #TextMeWhenYouGetHome hashtag is ready to go for a premiere on June 6, 2022, focusing exclusively on women who have been assaulted, beginning with Kenia Monge’s spine-chilling case from nearly a decade ago in Denver. At 9 p.m. ET, the true-crime documentary program will premiere on Lifetime.
On April 1, 2011, Kenia Monge, a 19-year-old high school graduate, vanished after going out with her pals the night before. Authorities were perplexed for months before investigators could determine the spot of her death using the murderer’s alibi. She was allegedly murdered and assaulted by a local baker, Travis Forbes, who initially avoided suspicion by providing a solid alibi.
After being sentenced to life in prison for first-degree murder, Travis Forbes became the subject of several articles. Continue reading to learn more about Kenia Monge’s horrible demise. Who Is Kenia Monge: Lifetime’s #TextMeWhenYouGetHome.
Kenia Monge: All About Him
On March 31, 2022, Kenia Monge was a typical Denver high school student who went out drinking at the 24K Lounge, a downtown hotspot for teenagers. She claims to have left to go to the restroom, but none of her friends saw her again.
Kenia was last seen on May 16 at approximately 9:00 p.m. in the area of South Federal and East Colfax avenues in Denver, Colorado, when she was picked up by an unknown white male toting a duffle bag containing a laptop computer, according to police reports.
According to the Denver Police Department, she was discovered at a gas station several hours later. Kenia’s stepfather Tony Lee received a text message on her phone asking if she had gotten home safely. This was from Travis Forbes, who supposedly came forward and stated that he drove her home that night.
According to Forbes, Monge wanted cigarettes on the road, so they stopped at a Conoco gas station where she met an Asian guy and went off with him. According to Forbes, this was the last time he saw her, implying that he was not involved in her disappearance.
The Asian guy was the focus of early investigations, and despite a few suspicions, Forbes’ airtight alibi kept him off the hook for many months. Kenia has not been seen since that night of March 31.
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How Did Kenia Monge Die?
According to the indictment, Officer Nash Gurule had attempted to get Travis Forbes to confess to Kenia Monge’s murder but was unsuccessful. Months later, he was arrested for a different crime in Denver. He’s been charged with assaulting and beating a 30-year-old woman named Lydia Tillman in Fort Collins.
According to law enforcement, there were several oddities discovered in the beginning when they investigated him, such as his recently remodeled van’s interior. There was nothing there to charge him with, though. Travis was “finished running” after he was detained for Lydia Tillman’s case, according to authorities.
Hee refused to confess, despite the fact that he understood that if he did so, he would be sentenced to death. Hee stated that he had no choice but to confess in order to avoid being labeled a “s*x offender.” His acceptance of responsibility avoided the prospect of being hanged.
After being sentenced to life in prison, he told the court that he did pick up Monge in downtown Denver while she was nearly drunk and then said, “Yes, I drove her home.” He also stated that after picking Monge up from a bar, she had no recollection of what happened. When she recovered consciousness later on, she realized what had occurred and went to report it immediately to police.
After killing her, Travis crammed her corpse into a cooler and drove about with it for an entire day before burying her in a shallow grave some distance away. The remains of Kenia were discovered at the scene where he was arrested. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
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