First Kill is an American supernatural teen drama series. The series follows a group of friends who are haunted by a vengeful spirit known as the first kill. The series is set in the town of Winden, Pennsylvania. The First Kill is a spirit that is seeking revenge on those who have wronged them in some way. The series follows the friends as they try to figure out how to stop the First Kill from harming them.
Moreover, the show is created by Victoria Schwab that premiered on June 10, 2022 on Netflix. The series is based on Schwab’s short story of the same name. Is ‘First Kill’ Season 2 Coming In 2022 Or 2023?
Information About First Kill Season 2
The first season of First Kill had eight episodes, but fans are already wondering if there will be more in the future. Sarah Catherine Hook, one of the series’ stars, is optimistic about a second season. In the first season, we witnessed a slew of events occur in Savannah, Georgia’s renewed struggle between humans and monsters. The budding friendship between Juliette and Calliope encountered numerous challenges.
Furthermore, the story revolves around adolescent vampire Juliette as she ventures out into the world for the first time in order to complete her First Kill and join her powerful family of Legacy vampires, matrilineal direct descendants of Lilith who chose to be bitten by the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.
Juliette’s eyes fall on a new girl in town named Calliope, but she is shocked when Calliope who shares her romantic sentiments—reveals herself to be a monster hunter from The Guardian Guild. Both discover that the other will not be so simple to eliminate, and they are both disappointed with how easy it is to fall for one another.
First Kill Season 2 Cast
- Elizabeth Mitchell as Margot
- Juliette’s mother Aubin Wise as Talia
- Cal’s mother, Gracie Dzienny as Elinor
- Dominic Goodman as Apollo
- Phillip Mullings, Jr. as Theo
- and Jason R. Moore as Jack
- Will Swenson as Sebastian
- Jonas Dylan Allen as Ben
- Dylan McNamara as Oliver
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First Kill Season 2 Release Date
The first season has been officially announced, with filming beginning at the end of 2021. The series premiered in 2022, when Netflix began airing it. If the program is renewed after the 28-day waiting period, we may anticipate a similar release date. In the second season, we’ll see if Nell and Ephram can find their way back to each other. If everything goes according on plan, Season Two will premiere in either late 2024 or early 2023.
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