What was the net worth of OceanGate’s CEO Stockton Rush at the time of his death?

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Stockton Rush was an American businessman, engineer and beast known as the founder and CEO is on the missing Titan along with four other wealthy passengers. He worked for McDonnell Douglas as a flight test engineer on their F-15 program, following graduation from Princeton University.

Rush enjoyed scuba diving as a hobby and often dove into Puget Sound. While going to visit the Titanic wreck in OceanGate’s Titan submersible on June 18, 2023, he and four others perished in the implosion.

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The Titan submersible catastrophically imploded killing Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding, French diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet, and Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman.

Stockton Rush Wife

Stockton Rush was married with Wendy Weil, a pilot and teacher, in 1986. The couple had two children. Wendy Weil Rush is a great-great-granddaughter of Isidor and Ida Blun Straus, both of whom died in the sinking of the Titanic, through their daughter Minnie Straus Weil.

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She is the former Director of Communications at OceanGate. Rush had made friends with prominent entrepreneurs such as Jay Bloom, who declined Rush’ invitation to embark on the Titan sub, following his concerns of safety.

What was the net worth of Stockton Rush?

Stockton Rush had an estimated net worth is $12 million and his company OceanGate has been valued at $66 million. He likely had a high financial stake in the company. He became the youngest jet transport-rated pilot in the world and flew for Saudi Arabian Airlines during his Princeton summer holidays, at the age of 19.

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Before the June 2023 dive, a Florida couple sued Rush for cancelling and postponing a 2018 Titanic dive. The pair said Rush stopped them from getting a refund. After Rush’s death, the couple discontinued their claim. After several delays, Rush finally started his deep submergence business, in 2021.

5 Interesting facts about Stockton Rush

  • After his first submarine ride in British Columbia in 2006, Rush grew an interest in exploring the ocean at shallower depths. He started looking for companies that offered submersible rentals hoping to find a suitable vessel for his upcoming expedition.
  • Rush found that there were less than 100 privately owned submarines globally and was unable to buy one. Instead, he built a small submersible using schematics from a retired Navy submarine commander.
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  • Rush’s 4m (13ft) vessel could dive to 10m. After building his little submersible, he tried to buy Steve Fossett’s submersible after his 2007 death, but failed.
  • He claimed to have built an experimental plane later that year that he flew throughout his life.
  • At age twelve, he took up scuba diving, and at eighteen and he graduated as a commercial pilot.


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