Shari Dahmer is known as the step-mother of Jeffrey Dahmer, who was a serial killer. He was attacked a second time on November 28, 1994, by an inmate as they cleaned one of the prison showers. Dahmer was found still alive, but died on the way to the hospital from severe head trauma.
Moreover, Jeffrey was also closed to his step-mother, Shari. Dahmer’s father Lionel and stepmother Shari requested a ten-minute private meeting with their son after he was sentenced in order to hug him and exchange well-wishes before he was transferred to the Columbia Correctional Institution. All about, Jeffrey Dahmer’s Step-Mother: Shari Dahmer.
Where Is Shari Dahmer Now?
Shari is the wife of Lionel Dahmer, who has retired and now resides with her. Despite couple son’s crimes, they have both refused to change their name and emphasized their love for Dahmer. In 1994, Lionel published a book entitled A Father’s Story and donated a portion of the revenue from the book to the families of the victims.

Most of the families showed support for Lionel and Shari, although three families subsequently sued Lionel: two for using their names in the book without obtaining prior consent, and a third family—that of Steven Hicks—filing a wrongful death suit against Lionel, Shari, and former wife Joyce, citing parental negligence as the cause for the claim.

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In November 2000, Joyce Flint killed herself by drinking a bottle of rat poison. She had previously attempted suicide on at least one occasion before her death. David Dahmer changed his last name and lives a quiet life as a result of his brother’s awful deeds.
Shari Dahmer And Lionel Interview
Check out the below video for full detailed information about, Jeffrey Dahmer. The video was uploaded on sat, 28 Jun 2014.
According to, Dahmer’s stepmother said he and his family expected he would be killed. His mother said if Dahmer had had a choice, “he’d have let this happen to him.”
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